We love animals and we know you love them too!
Unfortunately, the majority of dogs and cats are not receiving a complete,
healthy diet and many become ill and die prematurely.
NuVet Labs™ main purpose is to help increase your pet's
longevity and quality of life.
Our products, NuVet Plus™ for Canines and NuVet Plus™ for Felines,
provide the very best human-grade, natural ingredients available and utilize
the latest advances in medical, veterinary and nutritional science.
We pledge to adhere to the highest standards in products and services.
Our goal is to maintain a lasting and caring relationship with our family of
NuVet Plus™ customers and their pets they love.
Our scientists, veterinarians and formulators began with the premise
that most pet diets are lacking the proper amounts
of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
There are important nutrients that animals once received when they were
living in a more primitive environment that are
not available in the modern diet.
Commercial pet foods contain numerous by-products
that can make them poisonous, toxic and incapable of reducing the
devastating effects of unstable oxygen molecules,
also known as "free radicals."
Free radicals have been implicated in more than fifty
health problems in
humans and animals including various forms of cancer,
heart disease, arthritis, cataracts and premature aging.
After extensive testing with many different combinations of ingredients,
our scientists formulated NuVet Plus™.
We believe, based on the most current medical, veterinarian
and nutritional reports, NuVet Plus™ will combat
the onslaught of free radicals in our companion pets. This unique formula
consists of precise amounts of vitamins, minerals and high-potency
antioxidants that when combined, create a synergistic and
powerful boost to the immune system.
* Allergies * Skin and Coat Problems * Scratching, Itching, Biting
* Hot Spots * Arthritis and Joint Problems * Premature Aging
* Low Energy Levels * Diabetes and Liver Problems
* Cataracts and Tumors
* Digestive Problems * Tearing * Heart Disease
**Saving JUST ONE major trip to the vet could pay more than a lifetime supply
of NuVet Plus®
NOTE: This product is Not available to the general public
without an Order Code supplied by your Pet Professional
Not available in stores – CALL NOW TO ORDER!
800-474-7044 – Order Code: # 31171
* Insider’s Secret: More than 20,000 of the nation’s top breeders
use NuVet Plus® to keep their puppies, kittens, breeding females
and males so healthy.
* Revolutionary product, affordable– natural, water soluble.
* GUARANTEED – No sugars or fillers
* GUARANTEED – We use real chicken liver – not cooked, but instead it’s
paddle dried by our patented process to preserve its Omega Fatty Acids
* GUARANTEED – not heat treated (heat destroys vitamins A, E & B1) –
it’s why NuVet Plus wafers crumble easily
* GUARANTEED – So pure it’s produced in an FDA (human-grade)
manufacturing facility (virtually unheard of in the pet industry
because of the high cost / monitoring required).
* Our team of Veterinarians, Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nutritional
Scientists took eight years to develop this revolutionary product
* On the market for over 12 years..
We’re one of the oldest US pet supplement companies
Call now to order this revolutionary product.
If this isn’t the most incredible pet supplement you’ve ever had,
we’ll give your money back!
Helps Heal Current Problems
and Protects the Life and Health of Your Pet – Starting Today!
Not available in stores -
CALL NOW TO ORDER! – 800-474-7044 Order Code # 31171